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  • Tags: Labor unions
Responding to the 1933 Decatur trial and claiming the Scottsboro Boys' innocence, employees of Pennsylvania Dye Works ask for the defendants' unconditional and immediate release and declare a half-hour work stoppage in protest. This resolution is one…
Signed by Unemployed Councils, Branch 1 from a "Local Anti-Fascist Conference" on December 10, 1933, this form resolution heeds the "call of the I.L.D." in protesting the "outrageous procedure and conduct of the Scottsboro trials." It expresses…
Confederación Sindical Latinoamericana (Latin American Trade Union Confederation), on behalf of Central and South American workers, protests the 1931 convictions of the Scottsboro Boys and calls for their immediate release. This organization was the…
Signed by "Smith Nelson Appleman Mandel Herzog Bogart Brand Webber Pearl Kuttner Silber Rivkin Guralnick Granich White Chesneym," this telegram to Governor Miller is from American Engineers Spectialists Workers in Moscow. This group announces a…
Workers and employers of the First Siberian Broadcasting Station of Nowosibirisk in the Soviet Union join the "protest of the world proletariat" against the electrocution of the Scottsboro Boys and demand their unconditional release. This telegram…
Unión Escritores Proletarios Argentinos (Argentine Proletarian Writers Union) protests the execution of the Scottsboro Boys after the 1932 Alabama Supreme Court decision to uphold the lower court's 1931 conviction and sentencing.
Socorro Rojo Juventud Comunista Unión Sindical (International Red Aid Communist Youth Union), representing Colombian workers, protests the repression of the Scottsboro Boys and demands their freedom. This telegram arrived in the same month that the…
A telegram from the Trade Union Unity League, signed by William Z. Foster, Secretary, protests the "brutal attack" on the Scottsboro defendants in the Jefferson County prison and demands their immediate release. This telegram was one of group of…
Signed by "Committee of Five" workers from Harlem, this telegram requests protection for Eugene Williams and Roy Wright from "lynch mobs gathering near Decatur, Alabama" before their June 22 trial in Juvenile Court, as well as the immediate release…
Sent after the 1933 Decatur trial presided over by Judge Horton, this resolution from the Central Unemployed Council of Mansfield, Ohio, demands a change of venue to Birmingham, the release of the Scottsboro Boys and protection for them from…
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