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  • Tags: Communist parties
This sender—"a working woman"—recognizes that the Southern ruling class uses racism and rape accusations to divide the white and black working class so that they do not unite and fight for workers rights together. The author declares that the…
Condemning the Governor and the culture and history of the South, Donald Green argues that the facts in the Scottsboro case do not indicate any guilt on behalf of the Scottsboro Boys.
The Comité Mooney-Scottsboro, Section de Lille, France, responds to rumors of Haywood Patterson's death after a prison revolt. The letter questions this version of events, expresses strong doubt about Patterson's conviction based on the evidence, and…
Carl O. Tangen, editor of the Norwegian Syndicalist Federation's organ "Alarm," protests the conviction of the Scottsboro Boys in the 1933 Decatur trials, presided over by Judge Horton. Tangen argues that this most recent sentence is an expression of…
The New York District International Labor Defense, the legal arm of the American Communist Party, prepared this flyer urging people to send telegrams to Governor Miller, Attorney General Knight, Judge Horton, President Roosevelt, and Chief Justice…
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