Letter from Carl O. Tangen in Oslo, Norway, to Governor in Alabama in Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.A.

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Letter from Carl O. Tangen in Oslo, Norway, to Governor in Alabama in Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.A.


Scottsboro Trial, Scottsboro, Ala., 1931; African Americans--Civil rights--Alabama; African Americans--Imprisonment--Alabama; Miller, Benjamin Meek, 1864-1944; Tangen, Carl Olsen, 1888-1947; Norsk Syndikalistisk Federasjon


Carl O. Tangen, editor of the Norwegian Syndicalist Federation's organ "Alarm," protests the conviction of the Scottsboro Boys in the 1933 Decatur trials, presided over by Judge Horton. Tangen argues that this most recent sentence is an expression of racial hatred, declares the Scottsboro Boys' innocence, and calls for their release. The letter also states that the NSF and other Norwegian unions and groups are working towards a boycott of American goods until justice is served.


Tangen, Carl O.


Alabama Governor, Scottsboro Case appeals to the Governor, SG004239, Folder 11, Alabama Dept. of Archives and History









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Guvernoren i Alabama,
Montgomery ala
U. S. A

Oslo Lokale Samorganisasjon
Rødfyldgt. 8-10" Boks 2003, Oslo Telefon 12 132

TR 41 May 29 1933

Norsk Syndikalistisk Federasjon.
Organ ,,Alarm" - Boks 2003, Oslo.
Telefon 22132. Telegramadr.: ,,Federasjon".

Frihet Apr 27 1933

Oslo den 25/4 1933

Til Guvernoren i Alabama
Gjennem Den amerikanske legasjon i Oslo.
Kameratmöte i Oslo av Oslo, Bærums, Nordstrand, Nesodden, Oppegård og
Sörumsands lokale samorganisasjoner samt Oslo syndikalistiske ungdomslag vil
få uttale sin skarpeste protest mot opretholdelsen av dödsdommen mot de uskyl-
dige negergutter i Scottsboro i Alabama.

Vi anser at i og med at dere uskyldighet er bevist, må det også være en
selvfölge at de blir gjengitt sin frihet.

Vi ser i opretholdelsen av dödsdommen kun et utslag av rasehat og en an-
ledning til å ramme anderledes tenkende mennesker, en fremgangsmåte som lite
stemmer overens med rett og rettferdighet.

Vi forlanger derfor at disse unge negergutter blir frigitt, og så fremt ikke
så skjer vil vi i den utstrekkning som vi har anledning til det, arbeide for
en boikott av amerikanske varer inntil rettferdigheteh har vunnet seier.

For kameratmötet
Carl O. Faugen


Oslo Local Unions
Box 2003, Oslo
Telephone 12132

Norwegian Syndicalist Federation
Organ “Alarm” Box 2003, Oslo
Telephone 12132 Telegram “Federation”
Oslo 4/25 1933
To the Governor of Alabama,
Through the American Embassy in Oslo.
The meeting of comrades in Oslo from the Oslo, Hærums, Nordstrand, Nesodden, Oppegård, and Sörumsands local Unions together with the Oslo Syndicalist Youth Organization wish to express their strongest protest against the upholding of the death penalty against the innocent Negro boys in Scottsboro, AL.
We take the view that since their innocence is proven, they must naturally be granted their freedom.
We see in the upholding of the death penalty only a manifestation of racial hatred and an effort to target differently thinking people, a process which scarcely is in accordance with law and justice.
We demand therefore that these young Negro boys be freed, and if this does not happen, we will to the extent possible work for a boycott of American goods until justice has prevailed.
On behalf of the meeting of comrades,
Carl O. Tangen