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  • Tags: Labor unions
Workers and employers of the First Siberian Broadcasting Station of Nowosibirisk in the Soviet Union join the "protest of the world proletariat" against the electrocution of the Scottsboro Boys and demand their unconditional release. This telegram…
The Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia, Newcastle Branch, protests the March 1933 Decatur verdicts, demands the defendants' immediate release, and blames their convictions on a "frameup" by Ruby Bates and Victoria Price.
This sender—"a working woman"—recognizes that the Southern ruling class uses racism and rape accusations to divide the white and black working class so that they do not unite and fight for workers rights together. The author declares that the…
The members of the E. C. Fellows Lodge, No. 143, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen of Oakland, California, mention to Governor Miller that railroad veterans believe that women who ride trains are vagrants and prostitutes who cannot…
Confederación Sindical Latinoamericana (Latin American Trade Union Confederation), on behalf of Central and South American workers, protests the 1931 convictions of the Scottsboro Boys and calls for their immediate release. This organization was the…
The Comité Mooney-Scottsboro, Section de Lille, France, responds to rumors of Haywood Patterson's death after a prison revolt. The letter questions this version of events, expresses strong doubt about Patterson's conviction based on the evidence, and…
Sent after the 1933 Decatur trial presided over by Judge Horton, this resolution from the Central Unemployed Council of Mansfield, Ohio, demands a change of venue to Birmingham, the release of the Scottsboro Boys and protection for them from…
Cámara del Trabajo del Estado de Nuevo León protests the Scottsboro Boys' 1931 conviction and demands their release.This letter arrived after the executions were stayed pending the Alabama Supreme Court appeal. Cámara del Trabajo del Estado de Nuevo…
Seventy-three Auto Union members protest the 1933 Decatur trial at a meeting. Their resolution claims that "lynch spirit" prevented the selection of an impartial jury and holds the Governor responsible for the Scottsboro Boys' safety. This group was…
Signed by "Smith Nelson Appleman Mandel Herzog Bogart Brand Webber Pearl Kuttner Silber Rivkin Guralnick Granich White Chesneym," this telegram to Governor Miller is from American Engineers Spectialists Workers in Moscow. This group announces a…
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