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The Delta Sigma Theta sorority of Ardwick, Maryland, asks Governor Miller to free the Scottsboro Boys at once and to do away with lynch law. The group asks him to uphold justice, as the eyes of the world are on Alabama.
H. M. Darling, an attorney, writes that because under Alabama law bail is allowed to prisoners unless the evidence is strong enough to assuredly convict them, and because Judge Horton doubts the evidence, the Scottsboro Boys are entitled to bail.
The St. Louis Association of Colored Women ask Governor Miller to move the Scottsboro Boys' trial to Birmingham.
Warren P. Norton—the superintendent of public schools in Meadville, Pennsylvania—writes that although the communists of the International Labor Defense have control of the defense for the Scottsboro Boys, people should not keep from protesting…

The Executive Committee of the National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners writes that members have heard of starvation and brutal tactics carried out by the officials at the Birmingham County jail against the Scottsboro Boys. They…
Ernest R. Betz, a senior in high school, writes that a student in his class with radical ideas swayed his classmates to believe that an African American cannot achieve justice in the South. He asks Governor Miller to refute this claim and to provide…

Three women from Bailey Island, Maine, ask Governor Miller to exert his influence in the Scottsboro case and write that the American people would be like the Nazis of Germany or the despots of Russia if they did not ensure that everyone had a fair…

The Comité Mooney-Scottsboro, Section de Lille, France, responds to rumors of Haywood Patterson's death after a prison revolt. The letter questions this version of events, expresses strong doubt about Patterson's conviction based on the evidence, and…
Chas. E. Lotreck writes that he had a trip planned to visit his friends in Montgomery, but will be cancelling it since he has learned that the roads were built by chain gangs. He continues that he will not give any money to a state so barbarous.
Charles Ingram, an attorney, writes that the persecution of the Scottsboro Boys must be stopped. He argues that the lack of medical attention given to Olen Montgomery for his eye ailment is unjustifiable. Lastly, he urges the Governor to move the…
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