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Unit 10, Communist Party of Salt Lake City, Utah, protests the lack of protection given to the Scottsboro Boys and everyone involved with their case and demands that all charges be dropped and the Scottsboro Boys freed. They hold all authorities…
In a letter from the Unemployed Council in Corning, New York, the 403 branch members ask that the Scottsboro Boys be released, but believe they will not be released due to oppression of the working class. They argue that the bourgeois class' faulty…
Recorded by the secretary of the Farmers Educational League of Wynndel, Canada, this letter is mistakenly addressed to Governor Miller in Birmingham instead of Montgomery. The league protests against the legal lynching of the Scottsboro Boys, and…
The Working Women's Club of New York Mills, Minnesota, protests the Scottsboro Boys' imprisonment and demands their release.
Workers of Birmingham, Alabama, demand the release of the Scottsboro Boys and the right for African Americans to sit on juries and to vote.
The Taxi Workers Union protests the Scottsboro trials and declares the defendants' innocence. For the 1933 Judge Callahan trials, they ask that the ILD be given the time needed to prepare their defense and get an affidavit for Ruby Bates. They…
The Interracial Commission of Denver, Colorado, asks Governor Miller to do everything that he can to protect the Scottsboro Boys. The group aims to stand against racial injustice.
The Executive Committee of the National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners writes that members have heard of starvation and brutal tactics carried out by the officials at the Birmingham County jail against the Scottsboro Boys. They…
A meeting of the Berkley Youth League calls for the immediate and unconditional release of the Scottsboro Boys. They also demand a stoppage of persecution of African Americans in Alabama.
T. Gaines Elkins, who had served on the jury, insists with the Governor that his decision was influenced in no way by outside forces, but was made based only on state laws and the evidence provided in the courtroom. He believes that the Scottsboro…
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