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Recorded by the secretary of the Farmers Educational League of Wynndel, Canada, this letter is mistakenly addressed to Governor Miller in Birmingham instead of Montgomery. The league protests against the legal lynching of the Scottsboro Boys, and…
In a letter from the Unemployed Council in Corning, New York, the 403 branch members ask that the Scottsboro Boys be released, but believe they will not be released due to oppression of the working class. They argue that the bourgeois class' faulty…
Unit 10, Communist Party of Salt Lake City, Utah, protests the lack of protection given to the Scottsboro Boys and everyone involved with their case and demands that all charges be dropped and the Scottsboro Boys freed. They hold all authorities…
Members of the University of Chicago Student League unite in protest against the verdict of Haywood Patterson's second trial and ask Governor Miller to exercise his power to free the Scottsboro Boys.
A. Olson, "Pres., C. Nelson, Secr'y, Vega Lodge #40 (I.O.G.T.)," cites the American Civil Liberties Union reporting on compromised circumstances surrounding the trial and asks for a retrial.
The Delta Sigma Theta sorority of Ardwick, Maryland, asks Governor Miller to free the Scottsboro Boys at once and to do away with lynch law. The group asks him to uphold justice, as the eyes of the world are on Alabama.
This international letter asks that the Scottsboro Boys be given a new trial, based on new facts which have come to light. Standing for "the interests of the working class not only in South Africa but throughout the world," the letter urges the…
Warren P. Norton—the superintendent of public schools in Meadville, Pennsylvania—writes that although the communists of the International Labor Defense have control of the defense for the Scottsboro Boys, people should not keep from protesting…

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom—whose mission is to promote social, political, and economic justice for all, without regard for race, sex, class, or creed—voice their disapproval of the handling of the Scottsboro case in…
The members of the Young Women's Christian Association of the University of Nebraska write that they are shocked at the verdict from Haywood Patterson's second trial. They ask that he be pardoned and given safe conduct home, as they do not believe…
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